March 11, 2011

The Concert Idea: GIRL TALK!!!

Wow. Just wow. About a month ago, I bought Max and I tickets to the Girl Talk concert (for our 3-month). It was originally scheduled at the Majestic, but was later moved to the Alliant Energy Center to accommodate a larger crowd. This past Monday was the concert and Max and I went with our friend Alex. This was my first electronic/techno/rave concert and it was insane. So much fun. So many people. So much sweat.

The concert started at 7:30 pm, but we got there around 8:30, and Girl Talk came on stage around 9:30. We caught the end of the second opener (Max Tundra I believe?), who was alright, but I was not feeling it. I was pumped for Girl Talk though, and same with everyone else in the venue. Boy, did he not disappoint. I was dancing the entire time (with Max), Max kept nudging us closer to the front, Girl Talk improvised (and didn't just play everything straight off his albums), I was smushed against the crowd, people smelled like butt, I was too short to see everything on stage, everyone was drenched in sweat, and the list goes on. It was crazy. I had a blast.

Definitely going to more raves in the future! If you get the chance to see Girl Talk, I would highly recommend it. Insist, even.

Check out these pictures I took at the concert:

There were large balls bouncing around above the crowd. (Really!)

There were screens hanging above the stage and the effect was amazing.


We were pretty close to the front...

My favorite picture of all. Not taken on a camera and taken on my iphone, surprisingly. (Apple continues to amaze me everyday.)

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